Discover The "Slim Fusion by Healthify"

This Secret Remedy Helped Me Melt Away Over 25KG Within 3 Months - Without Complex Exercises or Extreme Dieting..

Designed to Transform Energy Levels & Revitalizes Your Health!

In The Next 5 Minutes You'll Learn How Hundreds in The Past Few Months Have

Moments Like This Could Be 6-12 Weeks Away, If You Want It...


I had a baby a few months ago. I am trying to lose all the weight I gained during my pregnancy. I was very happy with the Slim Fusion. I noticed I didn’t eat as much and I also noticed I had more energy.”

Samantha Jones


Stuggling to fit into your favourite clothes? Battling with stubborn tummy fat?

Can’t wear that bodycon dress? Can’t wear that shirt cause of the potruding tummy?

Are you struggling to lose weight no matter how much you diet or exercise?

I'm going to show you exactly what to do to start losing 10, 20, even 30 kgs of pure, raw fat, right from your own home.

As we age, our body’s ability to turn food into energy slows down which results in weight gain. That’s when Slim Fusion truly shines! Slim Fusion helps use fat for energy instead of immediately being stored on your arms, belly, or thighs.

This miraculously simple solution is being used by hundreds of men and women across the country to melt the fat away, restore their slender body and make their friends green with envy.

Better still – it doesn’t require new workout routines or expensive diets either. In fact, now you don’t even need to leave the house to melt away those extra, clingy kgs!

The diet industry doesn’t want you to know about this. The fitness industry doesn’t want me to reveal this to you.


Because there’s $72.7 BILLIONS on the line.

And if you knew about this one “secret” you wouldn’t need to keep buying the next diet and the next fitness gadget, and the next gym membership.

As a matter of fact, it’s likely that if you knew about this secret, and fixed it…

you would lose weight naturally and easily with just a common sense approach to your diet and activity.

No crazy diets that restrict your food choices or have you counting every calorie.

No ridiculous workout programs that you have to be a professional athlete to stick to.

Just easy, common sense choices about your eating and activity…

Introducing The "Slim Fusion By Healthify"

Speed Up Weight Loss, Increase Energy, And Stop Inflammation In Its Tracks.

The World’s Finest Slimming Supplement

Over 25% Discount – Today Only – Only 12 Bottles Left In Stock, Hurry…

The Ingredients Inside Slim Fusion Have Been Shown To Help Lose Weight, Boost Energy, Vitality and More, Naturally, At Any Age!

Boost Metabolism

Slim Fusion helps reverse the "biochemical patterns" that have slowed down your metabolism

Healthy Weight Shedding

2 Capsules morning and night and the next 6 weeks could end with a whole different look for you.

Muscle And Bone Health

Slim Fusion ensures you can enjoy your favorite activities for years to come, with your loved ones.

Enjoy Healthy Digestion

The blend of digestive enzymes help support your gut health and digestion. Healthy digestion is linked to improved weight loss.

Appetite and Cravings

Without the struggle, without the frustration, and without the intense hunger and cravings

Revitalize Your Skin

Rollback the clock, and reduce wrinkles, fine lines and age spots. More energy less weakness.

Eleven Rare Herbs, One Supplement, A LifeTime Of Wellness and Grace.

PLUS: The Hawthorn Fruit

“..... and The Best Part Is:”

How Does It Work?

The Slim Fusion is a breakthrough way to reduce‐fat for the everyday men and women on the go, busy moms, career‐focused worker bees, fitness lovers, and high‐performance athletes of all ages.

This weight‐loss system merges the synergistic power of natural, plant‐based supplements. It will help prevent fat storage through one of the key ingredients.

This product is the #1 selling weight loss product on the market. It is native to India and Southeast Asia. 

100% Natural, Organic!

Why You Need To Buy This Product Now

Free Delivery - Pay on Delivery - 30 Days Money Back Guarantee Available,

This product is NOT just KNOWN to NAFDAC, it also has International APPROVAL by NAFDAC, HALAL, Aloe Science Council.

Real Life Users...
Real Life-Changing Results...

Mildred was already dealing with several ailments when she learned she was at risk for diabetes. Feeling like her body was slowly breaking down, she decided to take action and change her lifestyle.

Facing Ovarian Cancer in her early 20s taught her just how precious health can be and that the body is capable of self-healing. Slim Fusion and mindful eating are the tools she used to transform.

You Have To Try This Today - You deserve to slim down to your healthiest weight while enjoying your favorite foods too!

She was motivated by her love for her family and the memory of her father, who passed at a young age due to weight related ailments. By committing to a proven Slim Fusion program and consistency, she got results.

She’s a proud mom and business vendor who figured out the right mix of Slim Fusion and eating habits to get results. Mindset and a focus on mental health were also key. We have been following her story since 2021, and she wrote us to share the 2nd phase of her journey.

Her son is her inspiration, and health is her motivation. After years of stress eating, emotional eating, and food addiction, her weight reached all time high. So she decided to begin Slim Fusion, transform her eating habits and be healthy.

Motivated by a desire to feel good on the inside and the outside, she found Slim Fusion, adopted healthy habits and found an eating style that works for her.

She is a proud mom, a leader, and a Nurse Practitioner. She wanted her children, family, and patients to see her walking the walk, not just talking the talk regarding Slim Fusion, nutrition, and health.

She was dealing with diabetes and high blood pressure. In 2020, Mrs Juliet started her transformation journey with Slim Fusion to keep up with her active daughter and become her healthiest self.

They’re FREE! Free to be active again - traveling, clubbing, playing with their kids or grandkids… All While Eating What They Want...

Limited Time Offer

It’s time to select your money saving package below to experience the easiest weight loss of your life 100% risk-free today.

1 Bottle = KSh 2,500 KSh 6,500

2 Bottles = KSh 3,500 KSh 12,000

3 Bottles = KSh 5,000 KSh 15,500

(60 Capsules Each Bottle)

We Have Just 12 Bottles Left In Stock… And Because of the Difficulty in Sourcing This Product, Re-Stocking Takes Time .

Get Yours Now!!!

Free Delivery – Pay on Delivery


Please DO NOT fill the Order form if you are not ready to pay for this product in 1-4 business days that it will take to get to you, or if you may travel, or be too busy to receive the delivery.

We incur a lot of costs to cover the delivery of this product across Kenya while still maintaining a reduced price, so to avoid a waste of time and resources, we plead with you to order ONLY if you are ready for this product.

So If you’re READY, Let’s Get You Your Order Now!!!

Fill Out The Order Form To Secure Your Slim Fusion Now

Mother Nature has been providing us with
miracles for centuries…
we’d be foolish not to

take a peek at what she has to offer!

Limited Time Offer – 12 Bottles Left Now!!!

Your Packages - Select by Tapping the Circle

1 Bottle
2 Bottles
Save KSh1,500.00
Original price was: KSh5,000.00.Current price is: KSh3,500.00.
Best Option
3 Bottles
Recommended Package
Original price was: KSh7,500.00.Current price is: KSh5,000.00.

Billing details

Your order

Product Total
Slim Fusion  × 1 KSh2,500.00
Subtotal KSh2,500.00
Total KSh2,500.00
  • Pay with cash upon delivery.

For Questions

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Most frequent questions and answers

Thats Alright. We deliver to every region in the country and for most locations, it’s free delivery and pay on delivery.

To get the product, use the order form above, tap the circle before your desired number of packs, fill out your details CORRECTLY and click place order, we’ll recieve your details, call you and send it to you right away.

Alternatively. you can click on the Message us image above to chat us on WhatsApp or Call Using – 254

Slim Fusion is an effective weight control supplement that has helped thousands of men women get their weight under control by using our Patented
“Raw Herbal Extraction” Process to transform special natural herbs that aid in weight loss.

Don’t forget to send us your testimony and permission (if you choose) for us to use it on our pages

Most of our new customers opt for a two bottle option which gives you a month supply.

And that’s what I recommend to get started…. Not only will you see the most benefits by 60 days, but you are also fully protected by the 90 day no questions asked, money back guarantee.

You can take advantage of the largest discount we’ve ever offered…

There are 60 capsules in each bottle

Instructions on how to take the capsules to get maximum result can be found on the back of the pack.

You can also call us for more guidance once you recieve your order.

This also depends on you body system, hormone levels and how healthy your diet is.

The good news is, some of our customers see huge results within the first 2 weeks of usage.

No, but for faster and long lasting results, reduce carb based foods and don’t eat late at night.

No, after childbirth and nursing you can start the program.

It is not for pregnant or nursing mothers.

Once you notice you’re pregnant, suspend taking the capsule. Don’t forget to send us your testimony and permission (if you choose) for us to use it on our pages.

None, there are no side effects because we use only natural herbs that have been proved, technologies that haved helpe thousands of individual in over a decade

Slim Fusion Eliminates Cellulite and Firm Up Arms and Thighs while helping to flatten belly fat

 Copyright © 2023. Healthify – Slim Fusion | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Tos

By Nature and protected under the Kenyan Copyright Act pursuant to Kenya and International Copyright Laws. Copy/Edit/Use of our contents without our express written permission and you WILL be subject to the maximum fine/penalty imposed by the Law.


Our 30 days money-back guarantee is for customers who buy 3 packs of this product which is the complete treatment package and use it as instructed on the pack.

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